Blade «VLIV-310»

Blade «VLIV-310»

For the first snow


Model «Blade «VLIV-310»»

Blade «VLIV-310»
Indicator name Indicator value
The width of the carriageway treated area of the plow at work, not less, m 2,5
Working speed plow at work shifting action, not more, m / s (km / h) 12,5 (45)
The transport speed of the batches of plow, not more, m / s (km / h) 16,7 (60)
Height (max) crop bowl of fresh dry fresh snow a density of 0,07-0,12 g / cm, mm 200
The weight of snow-removal equipment, kg 450


Write, call, come!


39602, Ukraine, Poltava region, Kremenchug,
Kyivska Street, d.64-A

+38 (0536) 78 25 48

+38 (067) 320 66 99

39600, Ukraine, Poltava reg., Kremenchug,
Blvd Avtokrazovsky, 19

+38 050 443 45 41


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